6 things every bloggers should do.



I've been a blogger for about three years now, and I've learned so much about blogging. The more you write, the better you get at it. If you want to be a good blogger, keep writing and reading others' work! Here are five things every blogger should do:

1. Write.

Writing is a critical skill for bloggers. It's not just about getting your blog up and running but keeping it going, too.

Write about what you know! If you're a baker or cook, write about baking and cooking—not just recipes, but how to bake bread and how to make your own preserves (or jam). Write about what interests you most—maybe it's gardening or photography; maybe it's fashion design or interior design; maybe it's parenting/being a parent (and then writing about how great being a parent is). Whatever it is that gets your creative juices flowing will be easy enough to find material on the Internet if necessary!

Be consistent: Don't take long breaks between posts (unless they are planned), don't focus only on one topic at once; keep up with recent trends in blogging such as social media platforms like Instagram which are constantly evolving along with the technology itself so there should always be something new happening around here anyway so why not try something new every now again?

2. Be thankful for the people who read your blog.

  • Get to know your readers. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn about your audience by just talking to them.

  • Thank them for reading your blog and ask them questions about their lives and interests. They might have great ideas that will help you improve your writing or they may just give you new insight into what makes a good story.

  • Ask them for feedback on the topics of their choice so that it's clear when something isn't working, if there's a need for clarification, etc. so that you don't waste time trying out different approaches before trying something else (which could also be beneficial).

3. Don't be afraid to write about anything.

While it can be tempting to write about only your passions, don’t be afraid to write about anything. You might be surprised by how many people will appreciate your work and want to read more of it!

4. Read other blogs, and comment on them.

Reading other blogs is a great way to get inspiration. It’s also an excellent way to learn new things, or even just meet new people who share your interests.

  • If you like the style of another blogger, comment on their posts! Commenting helps build up their audience too (and vice versa).

  • Share your own posts with others too! People love being able to find out what other bloggers are writing about so they can see if it's worth following them as well.

5. Don't only write about what you know.

  • Don't write about what you know.

  • Write about things that interest you, that are important to you, and things that will be interesting to others.

  • Write about things that are important, interesting, or interesting to others because they're relevant in some way (e.g., if someone asks how long it takes for something like this article to be written).

6. If you want to be a good blogger, keep writing and reading others' work

As a blogger, you should be reading other blogs.

You should also be reading the comments on these blogs and commenting on them if you find something that can add value to your own blog.

The best advice I can give is that if you are going to write about something, make sure it has value for others as well! Don't focus solely on what YOU know - but rather offer tips or tricks shared by other bloggers who know their stuff!

It's important not only because it helps keep things fresh but also because being thankful for those who read your site will help motivate them too! This means thanking them when they post links back up onto yours and thanking them again when they share what they learned from reading through one of YOUR posts (even though sometimes I don’t agree with everything).


If you want to be a good blogger, keep writing and reading others' work. Also, when you write about something in particular, look at it from all angles so that you can include all sides of the story. This will help your readers better understand what's going on around them and how they fit into it


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