
Showing posts with the label productive meaning work

7 things to do this daylight to make your sunday more productive

Introduction Sunday mornings are a great time to wind down after a busy week. But if you're like me and need to stay productive throughout the week, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by your hectic schedule. So here are nine things that can help me get more done during the week: 1. Unplug from social media. Social media can be a distraction. It's easy to get sucked into social media and lose track of time, which can be frustrating for those with busy schedules. Social media can be a way to procrastinate. If you're bored and don't know what else to do, scrolling through your news feed may seem like the perfect option! But if we all stopped using social media altogether—or at least cut down on our usage—we'd all have more time for productive activities like homework or exercising (which will help us feel good about ourselves). Social media can make us feel bad about ourselves when comparing ourselves with other people online (or even just thinking about how much...