7 things to do this daylight to make your sunday more productive


Sunday mornings are a great time to wind down after a busy week. But if you're like me and need to stay productive throughout the week, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by your hectic schedule. So here are nine things that can help me get more done during the week:

1. Unplug from social media.

Social media can be a distraction. It's easy to get sucked into social media and lose track of time, which can be frustrating for those with busy schedules.

Social media can be a way to procrastinate. If you're bored and don't know what else to do, scrolling through your news feed may seem like the perfect option! But if we all stopped using social media altogether—or at least cut down on our usage—we'd all have more time for productive activities like homework or exercising (which will help us feel good about ourselves).

Social media can make us feel bad about ourselves when comparing ourselves with other people online (or even just thinking about how much better off they are than us). The internet isn't real life—and neither are those who post selfies on Instagram or live-stream their lives via Periscope! It might seem like people who post constantly tend toward being more attractive than those who don't, but this isn't always true: there's no reliable way of knowing whether someone looks better in their own photos versus someone else's because both could be Photoshopped after taking the photo."

2. Wake up an hour earlier than usual.

If you’re like most people, getting up early can be hard. But it doesn’t have to be! There are few things more productive than waking up early and making the most of your day.

Here are some tips on how to wake up early and make the most of your morning:

  • Get out of bed at least an hour earlier than usual (if possible). This will give you time to do everything else before leaving for work or school. If this isn't possible, try setting an alarm on your phone or computer so that when you set it, it goes off right away so that when it does go off, there's no chance for distractions from other things going on around us at any given moment in life.

3. Set up your coffee pot for the morning.

  • Set up your coffee pot for the morning.

  • Make sure you have enough water in the tank, and that it is clean.

  • Check for any leaks or drips on your machine, and fix them if needed (you can use some sandpaper to take off any corrosion).

  • Add grounds to filter basket (some machines may have a "drip tray" where you can dump out old grounds)

Pour filtered water through the filter into the reservoir until it reaches desired strength/taste preference level; then press "start" button on front panel of machine; wait about 2 minutes for brewing process to complete (this should happen automatically without pressing any buttons on front panel). If something goes wrong like water spilling over bowl when pouring into reservoir or too much pressure being applied during brewing process then stop immediately while still hot so that burned coffee isn't left inside the machine!

4. Use natural light to your advantage.

You can use natural light to your advantage. For example, if you have a window in your home that faces east or west, this will allow you to feel more energetic during the day and also helps with digestion. When using natural light, it’s important not only to open all curtains but also to keep them as clean as possible so they don’t block out any of the bright rays from entering your home.

5. Focus on one task at a time, and set aside 15 minutes to really focus on it.

It's tempting to try and do too much on a Sunday morning, but that won't help you get anything done. Instead of trying to do everything at once (which is impossible), focus on one task at a time and give yourself 15 minutes to really focus on it.

When you're finished with your task, make sure you reward yourself with another activity that helps you unwind from the workday or relax after completing something difficult.

6. Meal plan for the week.

Meal planning is a great way to save money and make healthier choices.

  • You can plan out your meals for the week, which will help you avoid eating out at restaurants, which can be expensive.

  • It also gives you a chance to eat healthy on Sunday nights when it's not as busy at home or work, so that means less temptation!

7. Set a bedtime alarm.

To make sure you're getting enough sleep, set an alarm for earlier than you usually go to bed. Doing so will allow you to do something relaxing, like reading. Try and get up at the same time every day, even if it means setting your alarm on weekend mornings so that you can wake up and start your day without having to rush around or worry about being late. If this isn't possible because of work commitments or other obligations (like taking care of kids), just remember that there are plenty of strategies available to help ensure an effective morning routine!


As you can see, there are lots of things to do on Sunday evenings to make your week more productive. The key is to structure your day in a way that lets you do this. If you’re always finding yourself running late or not quite getting everything done because everything seems so overwhelming, then it might be time for some tweaks. So start by setting an alarm on your phone so that when it goes off at 8 p.m., it means that time is over and now”s time for bed! Then try unplugging from social media (or turning off all notifications) so there’ll be less distractions during the evening hours—and finally set up a kitchen timer or other alarm system so that whenever something needs attention, everyone knows where they need help (this should be obvious here!).


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